【Exhibition】Next Rise 2024 in Seoul, Korea


We will be exhibiting Dive at Rext Rise 2024, Asia’s Largest Global Startup Fair event to be held in Seoul, Korea, with over 25,000 people attending. If you are interested, please visit by our booth!
And as the resutl of selection, CEO Yuta Naito will be appearing at a pitch event. We are looking forword meet to you at the event.

■Exhibition detail
・Date: June 13 – June 14, 2024
・Location & Venue : Hall A, B & THE PLATZ, Conference Rooms, COEX
・Operation Hour: 09:00 – 18:00
・Organizers: KITA, KDB, NST, KOVA, KVCA

■Pitch event detail
・Venue: R STATION, Hall A, COEX
・Date & Time: June 13 (Thur.), 2024, 1:45 PM (15-minute pitch)



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